Her Story
When she was thirteen years old, her parents packed Lesli and her younger sisters up in an old minivan and left the Carolinas for a week long journey through Harper's Ferry, Hershey, Niagara Falls, Canada, Detroit, Ohio, and Virginia. Somewhere in the midst of fresh chocolate kisses and green roaring waters, a love of travel and adventure was born. From that formative moment, she's sought every chance possible to meet fresh faces and experience new places.
Now, as a homeschooling mom of three, she sees first-hand the joy and curiosity a travel adventure brings to a child's face. She watched her daughter fall in love with dolphins as they fed in dusky twilight at the mouth of the Matanzas River in St. Augustine. Her son became fascinated with geology while cruising up an Alaskan glacial river. She's also paced the grounds of Fort Morgan in Alabama with her younger daughter. As they paced, they discussed the daily burdens of Civil War Soldiers. During these moments, Lesli saw travel alter her children's views of the world.
She's shared these moments with her children simply because they've shared their family adventures together. Lesli now lives with a passion to give more families the opportunities to experience life-changing memories like her children have.
Writing Focuses
Lesli enjoys writing about many different aspects of family travel.

Family Adventures
From the wilds of Alaska to Hooker Falls in North Carolina, Lesli isn't afraid of new experiences and fun with her family. Her exuberance for life and love of a challenge will inspire your readers to start packing their suitcases.

Educational Travel
As a kinesthetic learner and the parent of an ADHD child, Lesli knows children learn best through experience. Travel and learning go hand-in-hand, and Lesli will bring vibrant experiences to life for your readers.

Road Trips and City Visits
The highways and byways of the U.S. are chockfull of wonders to be discovered. Let Lesli delight your readers with the joys of your locale and bring fun seeking families right to your doorstep.
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Interested in partnering with Lesli to share your company or location with the world? Send her an email today!